Site policy
About links
About links to the OIH webpage
Feel free to link to the OIH webpage ( . There is no need to let us know about the link beforehand, but please inform us of your webpage address to be linked from, the name of the webpage, name (affiliation) of the administrator, and e-mail address, using the inquiry form. Please note that we will not reply to you. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Please note in advance that if contents of the webpage linked to are judged to violate laws or public order and morals, or damage or discredit third parties, Osaka City or the Project Operator, we may ask you to delete the link.
- When you install the link, stipulate that it is a link to Osaka Innovation Hub. Do not set the link to show any page of the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage in your frame.
- Please note in advance that the contents or address of the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage are subject to change or deletion without notice.
- Osaka City and the Project Operator will assume no responsibility for any problems or damage incurred through the link to the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage.
Links from the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage
- Webpages that the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage can link to are as follows: Those that do not violate laws and public order and morals, and are fair and above-board, offer useful information and information that complements our mission, and are necessary to provide information. Please note that links with other purposes cannot be installed.
- These links are for users’ convenience, and Osaka City and the Project Operator do not guarantee or recommend their contents, etc. Osaka City and the Project Operator control no webpages that link to the OIH webpage and assume no responsibility for contents or damage incurred due to usage of the links.
Handling of personal information
When collecting, using, and managing the personal information of users (information that can identify an individual’s name, address, e-mail, etc.), Osaka Innovation Hub handles personal information appropriately so as not to cause any leakage or other inconvenience, in compliance with laws regarding personal information protection and the Osaka City Personal Information Protection Ordinance. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption in collecting information so that users can use the webpage safely.
Personal information to be posted on the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage
In principle, we post no personal information except information approved by Osaka City or the Project Operator as serving the public interest. When we deem it necessary, we will post information within the scope of the individual’s prior written consent.
We restrict the collection of personal information
- Normally, the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage can be browsed freely and anonymously without submitting any individual information.
- The Osaka Innovation Hub webpage may conduct statistical analyses to improve user satisfaction. However, we never collect personal information for this purpose.
- When collecting personal information through the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage, Osaka City or the Project Operator collect it based on users’ information provided (registered) voluntarily by users.
- When collecting personal information, we stipulate the purpose of collection and use it only within the necessary scope to achieve the purpose.
We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption
In the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage, we use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption for some forms and other content to protect information on browsers that are used by the web servers of the webpage and users, to enable safe interaction with data that should be protected for users’ personal information.
We do not use or provide information for other purposes
Unless otherwise stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Ordinance, such as in cases where users have given agreement, we use personal information provided (registered) only within the scope of purposes stipulated in advance and never provide it to others.
We manage information appropriately
The site administrator strictly manages personal information collected and takes proper measures to prevent leakage, misappropriation, and falsification, etc. We make sure to immediately discard or delete any unnecessary personal information.
The stipulations on this page apply only to the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage. On other webpages operated by Osaka City and the Project Operator and third parties’ webpages linked from the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage, stipulations regarding collection and protection of personal information are made separately from the webpage by Osaka City and the Project Operator. Osaka City and the Project Operator assume neither obligation nor responsibility for personal information handled by these sites.
Copyright and disclaimer
- Photos, illustrations, audio, video, and articles on the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage, as well as the entire webpage as an editorial work, are all protected under the Copyright Act. In principle, all rights are reserved, with the copyright owned by Osaka City, and copyright of some images, etc. owned by original creators.
- Except duplicating or citing for personal use, etc. as approved by the Copyright Act, be sure to consult us beforehand in duplicating or citing contents on the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage.
- Names of companies and products on the Osaka Innovation Hub website are generally trademarks of each company or registered trademarks.
- While thorough efforts are made to post accurate information on the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage, Osaka City and the Project Operator assume no responsibility for any actions by users using information on the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage, or damage or loss incurred by usage of the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage.
- Osaka City and the Project Operator assume no responsibility for any damage or loss incurred by usage of websites operated by third parties linked from the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage.
- Please note in advance that the contents or address of the Osaka Innovation Hub webpage are subject to change or deletion without notice.