NewsHack Osaka 2020 – Launch of the official website


Hack Osaka 2020 – Launch of the official website

The official website for Hack Osaka 2020, an annual international conference to promote innovation organized by Osaka City, is now open to the public.

This will be the eighth Hack Osaka conference, this time with the theme of ‘How to make a successful open innovation’. Participants will discuss topics such as ‘What does Open Innovation mean?’ and ‘How can a startup and an established company work in effective collaboration?’ We will learn from the world’s best practices and leading examples about the keys to realizing the ‘Hack Osaka Movement’; various players including entrepreneurs, startups, investors, major corporations and students take an active role in the innovation ecosystem, build networks organically and thereby continuously generate chains of innovations.

Osaka City also aims to cultivate entrepreneurial mindset among students and younger generations by introducing young entrepreneurs who are actively expanding their businesses globally and/or started their business with the support of the Osaka Innovation Hub. The goal is to expand this network of innovation from Osaka to the world.

Hack Osaka2020

■Hack Osaka2020サイト公開

 大阪市が年に1度開催する国際イノベーション会議「Hack Osaka」を開催するにあたり、オフィシャルサイトが公開されました。

 8回目となる今回のテーマは、「オープンイノベーションの成功の秘訣」。オープンイノベーションとは何か?スタートアップと既存企業の効果的な協業は?などについて議論します。起業家や投資家、大企業、学生など様々なプレイヤーがエコシステムの主役として参画し、有機的につながり、次々とイノベーションを巻き起こしていくHack Osaka Movementを実現するためのヒントを世界の先行事例から学びます。


Hack Osaka2020